Create Support understands the anxiety and stress the current Covid-19 pandemic potentially causes families and their loved one. Below you will find Create Support’s 5 step process to reduce the risk of cross transmission of Covid-19 within your home.
Step 1
As a provider we would hope to work in partnership with families with the aim of reducing staff traction within your care package, in turn reducing the risk of cross contamination of Covid-19. With agreement we would encourage each live in carer to consider a longer placement. We do understand that carers are required to have a break, and this can be agreed before your care package commences. A robust risk management plan would be developed to maintain the safety of all parties.
Step 2
Where possible depending on the availability of Covid testing nationally, we would ideally expect our carers to have been tested and a negative result returned. Our carers will be expected to comply with Create Support and national guidelines around the use of PPE at all times whilst caring for you or your loved ones.
Step 3
All carers in between roles, will be expected to self isolate inline with the government guidance. In the event concerns are raised around a carer having developed symptoms, they would not be allowed to return to you placement until a negative Covid results has been obtained.
Step 4
As a provider, we take infection control very seriously and at a minimum we would expect our carers to complete regular touch point decontamination wipe downs such as door handles, work surfaces.
Step 5
At the beginning of each care package a discussion would be had with you around compliance visits (regulated care), where possible we would aim to reduce these visits to maintain your safety. However, in the event you would prefer not to have a reduction to your compliance visits. Create Support would ensure appropriate PPE is used alongside continued Covid testing for all managers within our organisation, as mentioned above. In the event a member of Create Support develops symptoms we would delay our visit until a negative test result has been secured. In the event you do require to speak to someone around your concerns of the care delivery but you are not comfortable with a face to face meeting. Create Support are happy to arrange a meeting via video conferencing.