Supported living services.
Our 24 hr specialist supported living services, which are initially based in Hampshire, aim to deliver a creative and person-centred approach promoting a level of independence within your own home.
Create Support specialises in supporting vulnerable adults with Physical Disabilities, PMLD, mild to moderate Learning Disabilities, Autism and Mental illness concerns alongside behaviours which may be deemed challenging. We provided multi occupancy services for up to 3-4 adults in one home.
We provide an outcome focused support package tailored around individual needs, aimed at promoting a level of independence for all who use our services.
Our supported living services provide innovative and person-centred support enabling people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health illnesses and challenging behaviours to live as independently as possible within their own homes and in the local community.
The support provided is person-centred and specifically tailored to meet every unique need, underpinned by our philosophy that every individual has the right to live the life they choose for themselves. In turn, trying to create a pathway to independence.
The Create Support management team has extensive experience in hospital discharge, ensuring a smooth transition process is implemented before moving into your home.
Create Support works alongside specialist housing providers to source the right accommodation to meet your needs.
Create Support will provide a highly skilled staff team whose bespoke training will be tailored to each person’s support requirement.
Support with personal care
Healthy diet plan
Support with medication
Daily living skills program
Support to manage your budget
Support to manage your property
Support with benefits
Employment and further education
Support with community based activities
Support to reduce your anxious moments
Support to keep in contact with friends and families.
Support developing a robust outcome based support plan
Clear and positive risk assessment
Regular support planning reviews
Allocated keyworker
Regular keyworking sessions if you wish.
Holiday planning
Support to move to a more independent pathway
Arranging supported living care.
Step 1:
Speak to our team
Call us on 020 8066 0922 or fill in the contact form below to begin the process of arranging supported living care for you or your loved one.
Step 2:
Arrange an assessment
We will contact you to arrange an initial telephone or video assessment to establish your requirements.
Step 3:
Find a carer
Create Support connects you with a support worker who is trained and experienced to deliver the care required.